jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

new stunning chess game!

     !A remarkable new experience in the game of chess!
It is well known that the root of all the bases of magic, come partly from the sacred scriptures, the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom, and a kind magic is not offensive to God, since it is God who with his greatness , provides with wisdom to every human being, that if so, searches for it.
The first magicians were Christians, since the savior left his knowledge and wisdom to be spread, so it is known that it was the Christians who first accepted the glory and majesty of the savior in Christ, and set out to follow the path of the Christ, with humility, compassion, charity, forgiveness and praises to the infinite creator.
All the apostles confessed in the power of miracles, through faith in the name of Jesus Christ, they acclaimed that all wisdom came through the Redeemer, who preached saying "I am the light of the world" which the apostles accepted as the divine essence of God himself.
The truth is that "The Bible" gives us many examples of spiritual beings, who demonstrated to possess this mystical astral knowledge, it mentions these mystical characters, in the time of the pharaohs with Joshua, who had the divinity of deciphering the dreams Of the Pharaoh, the three wise men are also mentioned at the birth of Jesus.
In the Old Testament they mention King Saul, who had a reputation for banning sorcerers or witches at his reign, yet, he secretly,  resorted to the advice of a wise witch to help him take decisions, for the well-being of his subjects.
In the New Testament they mention Simon, who proved to have great abilities of magic, and had many followers, who acclaimed that Simon possessed the great powers of God himself.
In Genesis the divine greatness of God is mentioned, with its grandiose creation of all that is in heaven, and all that is on earth, a divine creation accomplished in seven days.
God has shown us his greatness by giving his son Jesus to humanity, who with his wisdom taught us the divinities and mystical grandeur of God the Father in Heaven.
Jesus was also a divine being, who proved to have great abilities of supernatural powers. This he proved it by resurrecting the dead, healing the blind, deaf and dumb, healing the sick, turning water into wine, feeding thousands in a desert, and upon his resurrection on the third day, events that in this way could only be attributed to his astral mistical knowledge, and a divine magic, gifts from a true GOD.

Jesus, a mystical MAGICIAN under the divinity of God.

The King of Kings is divine in its nature.
God in his greatness has teach us that he'll for ever be a latent part in our reality, a reality to which we call LIFE.

"I am the light of the world," proclaimed the  good Lord.

A wizard demonstrates wisdom, teaches wisdom, and uses this wisdom to achieve his purposes, with the main objective of teaching a mastery, which provides a clarity of the enlightment knowledge.

The court mage in chess, is a new piece in chess, which magically finds it's place in the game board, this piece has been awarded a value of seven 7 points.
The notion of the court mage of the king, as a new piece in the game of chess, has been conceived by analyzing the King and the Bishop, these two pieces in chess own a cross in their designs.
 It is this CROSS that offers the basic movement of the court mage in chess.

A mystical game of the three Crosses
The Cross design is then taken and it's stamped on the board, as an imaginary CROSS, and it becomes a part of the movement design for the court mage piece, which consist, starting from where stands, it moves, three spaces going diagonally, and a space, either to the North, the South, the East, or the West.       
Jesus was not crucified alone, but with two criminals.
The Cross of Jesus was in the middle of the two crosses.
The Cross of Jesus is the center of all God's Plan to save mankind.
Each of the people in these Three Crosses show a different action regarding sin.
The three diagonal spaces on this game represents, the three days before the resurection of Christ.

The Wizard also appears in a unique way, since in analyzing the Queen, we see that her basic movement is similar to, or equals to that of a Bishop and a Rook, thus giving her a very effective way for attack, to which she has been awarded a nine point score value, in the game.
"The Wizard" in its basic movement, resembles that of a Bishop and a Knight, since it moves a total of FOUR spaces (like a Knight) and from were it stands, moves, THREE spaces going diagonally, (as Bishop) and ONE space either to the north, south, east, or west, in addition, the Wizard can jump other pieces (like a Knight), due to the the fact that a Mage can appear or disappear, at any given moment in time, allowing him a very effective way for attack.
 The wizard has been awarded a total score value of seven points.

The seven points awarded to the court mage has been consieve as follows:

Firstits movement is analyzed, and it, indicates that three spaces must first be moved diagonally, thus having four options to choose its last stand, (north, south, east, west,) we sum up the three spaces plus the four options to stand, and the result is seven.

Second, we analyze the point scores of each of the pieces, and conclude, that all the pieces, had been assigned only  ODD numbers, in fact, the Pawn has been assigned ONE point, the Knight and Bishopeach have been assigned THREE points, the Rook has been assigned, FIVE points, and the Queen, has been assigned, NINE points.
Also, we analyze that from the Pawn to the Knight and Bishop the number two is skipped, from the Knight and Bishop to the Rook, the number four is skipped, from the Rook to the Queen, the numbers skipped are, six, seven, and eight, we take the odd number SEVEN and grant it to the  "Court Mage", where as by standing next to the King and Queen, and by a just and impressive precision, he thus  magically, obtains his well deserved seven points score.
The 7 is considered to be a mystical number, because it is composed of the sacred number 3 and the earthly number 4, thus establishing a bridge between heaven and earth.

The number seven is considered a mystical number.
The perfect number of our Holy Father is the Seven!
It is the most frequently quoted in the pages of the Scriptures.
The Bible mentions number 7 about 323 times!
In the Old Testament
Its declared that Seven times it would be punished, who that has killed Cain.
Jacob served in the house of Laban fourteen years: seven for Leah and seven for Rachel.
The Pharaoh of Egypt saw in the dreams seven fat cows and seven skinny cows.
When Jacob died, his son Joseph mourned him for seven days.
Among the Hebrews, who attacked Jericho were seven priests with seven horns.
Ruth loved his mother-in-law with love superior to that of seven children.
Naaman the Syrian had to wash in the Jordan seven times before he was declared clean of his leprosy.
In the New Testament.
Jesus commands us to forgive seventy times seven.
Mary Magdalene had had seven demons.
The Sadducees spoke of a woman who had been married seven times.
The first group of deacons appointed in the Jerusalem church consisted of seven men.
Jesus multiplied seven loaves among four thousand people, and there were still pieces that filled seven baskets.
There are, according to Proverbs, seven things that God abhors.
The Magus, The Wizard, The Visionary,  for being a character considered to be the most faithful to his hierarchy, has been granted the legitimate right to be placed next to the King and Queen.

It should be noted that the Queen is positioned in the column (F) and not in the column (D) as it is in a traditional chess game, presenting the player, a unique opportunity to discover new openings and strategies on this wizard's chess game.

Many people think that it is quite difficult to learn to play chess, because each piece moves in a different way, although each piece actually follows its own pattern of movement, it is not a problem to quickly learn all the basic movements of chess.
The following pictures show all the pieces and their movement abilities.

                                                              The Pawn

-The Pawn, when moving for the first time can choose to advance one, two, or three squares, continuing forward one square forward, except to attack a piece which will do diagonally.

                                                                 The Rook

-The Rook, moves in a straight line both horizontally and vertically, and as many squares as required by the player's criteria.

A special play is castleling, where the King can move two, or three squares, to either of the two Rooks.
The castling of the King will only take place when there is no obstruction amongs them, there must be no obstacles in its path of movement, and it can not be done when theyare checking the King'.
                                                              The Knight

- The Knight, moves a total of four spaces, (making an L), from where stands, 3 squares to one side and one to another, this piece can jump other pieces to capture the enemy, or to change the strategy of attack.
NOTE: The Wizard and the Knight are the only two pieces that can jump other pieces in this chess game.
                                                                The Bishop

-The Bishop, moves diagonally as many squares as the criteria of the player requires, these pieces never change color, the Bishop in white, will always remain in the white diagonal, as well as the Bishop in black, will always remain in the black diagonal.

       The Wizard

- The Wizard moves a total of four spaces and from where stands, three diagonal spaces, (like a Bishop) and one according to the criteria of the player, or the strategy that merits its play plan, either one to the North, one to the South, one to the East, or one to the West.

The Wizard can jump other pieces to either capture the enemy or to change its strategy for attack.



The Wizard, in this position can not attack to the right, since there is no third square to follow its basic movement accordingly, its movement in this position is restricted to the right, due to lack of the third square.
The option for attaking will only be done through the left.

This restriction does NOT allow the Wizard to be more powerful than the Queen.

A VERY SPECIAL PLAY that has been  KNOWN, as  the Wizard's magical play.



                                                                The Queen

-The Queen. The movement of The Queen, is equals to the Rook and the Bishop, that is in all directions, as many squares as the criteria of the player requires.

         The King

- The King, just moves one square in any direction.

Through the histories of humanity there have been reigns, propagated in all corners of the earth, each with its myths, legends and natural traditions of its own, these reigns were under the dominion of a King, who had the obligation to care for the welfare of his subjects.
In these reigns, it was well known of the existence of personages who helped the King take decisions for the well-being of his kingdom, these decisions generally were based to a large extent by the mystical knowledge and dark visions of these personages.
The king's counselor, the visionary, the Wizard, or the Oracle, were characters recognized in ancient times, as beings of paramount importance, because due to their mystical visions and clear wisdom, they advised the King in the important decisions they should take, base in accordance to the divine astral messages they perceived, the King in this way, would decide to declare war to other reigns or to prepare his people to face some sort of a calamity to come.
The magician is synonymous with the old sage, who goes back to the character of the sorcerer in primitive societies, which often represented the realm, referring to the control over physical events of supernatural powers, that were usually attributed to a God, or a demon.
The Wizard in chess is a game in which two reigns stand in a position of war.

The main objective is to advance the pieces forward, thereby capturing terrain of the opposite reign, and with the ultimate purpose of overthrowing the opponent's king.
Chess is a strategy game in which the main objective is to overthrow the opposing King, this is achieved by threatening the square occupied by the King of the opponent with any of the pieces of their own, in such a way that the other player can't protect his King, either by interposing a piece between his King and the piece that threatens him, by moving his King to a free square, or capturing the piece that is threatening him, which results in checkmating the King, achieving its final goal which in turn becomes to be a Game over.

Each player stands facing the opposing chess player, placing the board in such a way that each player has a white square in his right corner. 
It is played in turns, and always starts the one that plays with the white pieces.
It is played between two players, each one has 20 pieces, those of a light colored called "white" and those o of darker color, called "black", these pieces move on a square board of 10 x 10 , on white and black squares.
The wizard's chess is presented with small variations in the game rules, for example, the pawn can move one, two, or three squares at the very beginning of its first movement, the king's castling is done by moving two or three squares, at either side, and the special pawn capture, that can only occur immediately after a pawn moves three ranks forward from its starting square, the opponent captures the just-moved pawn "as it passes" through the first square. The resulting position is the same as if the pawn had moved only one square forward and the enemy pawn had captured it normally.  
The most normal opening is to advance with the pawn one, two, or three squares according to the preference of the player.
One rule is that when a Pawn manages to reach the last row, he becomes a Queen or a piece that the player wants to replace.
A check is when there is a counter piece threatening in direct line and without obstructions to the King, with the exception of the Wizard and the Knight, which they can jump to check to the King.
The player who achieves a checkmate so that the opponent's King
 can not move anywhere without being killed is the winner of the game.


This game has already land in the hands of the great master and world champion - ANATOLY KARPOV - who must be analyzing and studying this new form of a game in his native Russia.

THE COURT MAGE in chess, appears in the game in a timely manner, the international federation of chess, are looking and searhing for new variants of the chess game.

José Raúl Capablanca
The International Champion, Jose Raúl Capablanca, a great Cuban chess master, said that chess would face a serious problem, as it was increasingly common for the great masters of the game, to usually end up their clashes in ties or draws, he said, this was due to the fact that the game did not offer enough complexity, for either one of the two opponents to clearly prevailed in a match.
The Court Mage, in chess fixes somehow this complexity, since most of the time in a game, a winner will prevail in a match.

                                         EXERCISE FOR THE MIND
                                                   news on chess
Chess is a game considered to be an intellectual and rational game; indeed, its game development is so complex that not even the best players, or the most powerful existing computers, can come close to consider all of its contingencies.
World-wide scientific studies have shown that, playing chess, directly stimulates the brain, in such a way that has been proven to be a benefit for patients suffering from Alzheimer's, and is also, directly involved with the intellectual development of those who practice this game.
Some of the benefits of chess include:
A) A Direct benefit to the brain and memory.
B) The increased of creativity.
C) The intellectual development of the individual.
D) A cultural enrichment in society.
The Wizard in chess is presented with a King, a Queen, two Wizards, two Bishops, two Knights, two Rooks, and ten Pawns.

Each pieces of the game has a score value, which will determine the winner in case of a tie or draw in the game, this is determined as follows:
* A king. There is no score for the king
* A Lady Is equal to 9 points (9)
* Two Wizards. A Wizard is equal to 7 points 7x2 = 14 V
* Two Rooks. A Rook equals 5 points 5x2 = 10 H
* Two Bishops. A bishop equals 3 points 3x2 = 6 D
*Two Knights. A Knight equals 3 points 3x2 = 6
* Ten Pawns. A pawn equals a point 1x10 = 10
Each player tries to obtain certain advantages in his position, with the final objective of attacking the opposite King so that it can not be defended, what is known as checkmating the opponent's King.
The victory can be obtained by checkmate, or with the abandonment of one of the players, or with the consumption of the total time of the game by the opponent. 
A possible result is the draw, occurs in any of the following cases:
* By agreement between both players.
* When no player has enough material to checkmate his opponent.
* By repetition of plays or positions.
* When the player who has the turn can not make any moves.

                                             Basic elements of the board.

 In the Wizard's chess board there are ten horizontally rows , and ten vertical columns, formed by small squares, there are a total of 100 of these squares. 
On a chess board, it is assumed that each box has a name.
To give a name to each square you have to look at the row and the column that occupies the piece.
First, look at the letter of the column, and second add the number of the row.
Remember that box J1 should be white.
- Row - It is each of the ten lines of ten squares that are formed aligning horizontally with respect to the players.
They are named with numbers from 1 to 10, starting from the first row with respect to the side of the white pieces.
- Column.- It is each of the ten lines of ten boxes that
Are formed aligning vertically with respect to the players.
They are named with letters from A to J, starting from the first left column with respect to the side of the white pieces.
- Diagonal .- It is each of the 36 lines that are formed by grouping the squares diagonally.
The two major diagonals have ten squares.
- Center.- The center of the board are the four central squares, by extension, sometimes include the 12 that surround those four.
- Corners.- Each of the four boxes located in the corners of the board.
- Edges.- The two columns (A and J) and the two rows (1 and 10) located at the ends of the board.
A board can have the numbers and letters to identify the rows, columns and squares, in order to record the development of the games using algebraic notation, which is the official notation.
It is common in the world of chess to use this system in order to reproduce and comment on the games, but it should be noted that many authors and specialists have used or prefer to continue using the so-called descriptive notation.

THE COURT MAGE, the visionary, the sorcerer, or the magician, is synonymous with the old sage, who goes back in direct line to the figure of the sorcerer in primitive societies. 
In many occasions it represents the realm, referring to the control over the physical, mystical and astral events.
The Wizard in Chess presents himself with a King, a Queen, two Wizards, two Bishops, two Knights, two Rooks, and ten Pawns.
To make room to the Wizard in this game, the board has been expanded to be 10 x 10 with a total of one hundred  squares, creating a new game, totally different from the traditional game of chess.


                                 by: HUNTER X

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